AFC Insurance

Jewelry insurance is a type of insurance that protects jewelry from theft, loss, and damage. It is typically purchased as an extension of a homeowner's or renter's insurance policy, but it can also be purchased as a stand-alone policy.

Jewelry insurance typically covers the following:

  • Theft: This covers the cost of replacing jewelry that is stolen from the insured's home or while the insured is traveling.
  • Loss: This covers the cost of replacing jewelry that is lost, such as a lost ring or necklace.
  • Damage: This covers the cost of repairing jewelry that is damaged, such as a broken ring or chipped gemstone.

Jewelry insurance can also provide additional coverage, such as:

  • Mysterious disappearance: This covers the cost of replacing jewelry that mysteriously disappears, such as a ring that goes missing from the insured's jewelry box.
  • Appraisal coverage: This pays for the cost of having jewelry appraised by a professional gemologist.
  • Personal injury coverage: This pays for medical expenses incurred by the insured or their family members if they are injured while trying to prevent the theft of jewelry.

The cost of jewelry insurance varies depending on a number of factors, including the value of the jewelry being insured and the coverage the insured chooses. Jewelry insurance policies typically have a deductible, which is the amount of money the insured has to pay out of pocket before the insurance company will pay.

Jewelry insurance is an important investment for people who own valuable jewelry. It can protect them from the financial hardship of losing or damaging their jewelry.

Here are some examples of how jewelry insurance can protect jewelry owners:

  • If a jewelry owner's engagement ring is stolen from their home, jewelry insurance can help pay to replace it.
  • If a jewelry owner loses their necklace while on vacation, jewelry insurance can help pay to replace it.
  • If a jewelry owner's gemstone is chipped while wearing a ring, jewelry insurance can help pay for the cost of repairing the ring.
  • If a jewelry owner is injured while trying to stop a thief from stealing their necklace, jewelry insurance can help pay for their medical expenses.

Jewelry owners of all ages and wealth levels should consider purchasing jewelry insurance. It is a valuable investment that can help them protect their precious belongings.